Monday, April 3, 2017

Hola everybody,

A lot has happened in these past two weeks. We had transfers and Elder Cruz left and I got a new companion named Elder Sanchez. I am going to miss Elder Cruz, we got to be pretty good friends. Elder Sanchez is awesome too. He served in this area about a year ago so he knows all of the tricks. He knows all of the good restaurants. The restaurants here are awesome. You get a soup, spaghetti, a main course, and a dessert for about 60 pesos. Which is about $3.00. The desserts here are usually jello. I don't know why but jello and cheese are like delicaces. They are super expensive in the stores, it is kind of frustrating.

Elder Sanchez also remembers where all of his old investigators live, so it has kept us busy to re-contact them. A lot of them have accepted to start taking the discussions again and it has kept us very busy. We are teaching a guy named Jose and his son, Edwin. Edwin is only 10 years old, but when we taught them, he asked just about every deep question you can think of. He likes to learn and is very accepting to the gospel, the same goes for his dad. They have a date to be baptized on the 6 of May and we are super excited about them.

Conference was absolutely amazing and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Luckily for me, they had a room for the gringos where they played the sessions in english. There were just 3 of us, and the rest of the stake was in the chapel/gym. I was able to all of my questions answered that I had as I began watching. there were times when I felt like the speaker was talking directly to me. Being a missionary has made me appreciate General Conference so much more, and I already can't wait for the next session.

During conference, there was a lot of mentioning about Patience. I have been studying patience really closely this week and I have learned a lot. I learned that patience and humility go together. Being here in Mexico has taught me a lot about these two christ-like attributes. I see people everyday in the streets who are struggling just to get by and support themselves, and their families. There is one family in our ward who I think is the perfect example of patience and humility. They are the Lopez family. they are a family of 6 and live in a 3 room house. The dad, Javierre, works as a door-to-door salesman for some product (I don't really know what it is), and the wife and kids help out by making cups of jello and walk around every day trying to sell it. This family are some of the happiest people I have ever met. They are some of the most faithful members in the ward and are always happy and smiling. I found a scripture while studying patience and humility that I think accurately describe this family, and many others that I have met here. in 2 Cor. 6:10 "As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things". There is no better scripture to describe some of the church members down here. They are all such amazing examples to me of patience and humility in this hard world we live in. I hope I can be like the members here some day. I am loving my time here in Mexico City. I learn new things every day about myself, the gospel, and which street food tents I should and shouldn't eat from.

I love you all. Have a great week!

Elder May
Over-priced hamburger

Me and Elder Sanchez

Contaminated water that I thought was a field of grass

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